
Apex legends season 9 timer countdown
Apex legends season 9 timer countdown

One is just east of Lava City, one is just north of The Geyser, and the last is right south of the Train Yard. The loot vaults in World’s End are located in several tunnels throughout the map. There's also a chance that the location you go to could already be looted by someone else who got a key. For one, there could be enemies at any of the doors waiting for a sucker like you to show up, open the door, and do all the work before they kill you and steal the goods. Once you have the key, your map will be marked with the three locations below and you can go to any of the three locations to open the doors. You can have a look at what the key-holding loot drones look like below as pointed out by Reddit user mnkymnk. Of course, you should probably still go for the gold color if you can because then you can get a key and some guaranteed gold gear from the drone. It doesn't appear to matter if the color of the drone is blue, purple, or gold, as long as they have the red outline. If a drone is packing a key, it will have red outlines along the colored tiles. However, what we have learned since the counter hit zero is that there are are specific drones for the keys. The loot vault countdown timer has reached zero and the chase is on for the keys! As suspected, the disco ball-looking loot drones are going to be your ticket to getting inside any of the Loot vaults. UPDATED (10/9/19 - 11:30PM): The Loot vaults are now open! Here's how you get into them.

#Apex legends season 9 timer countdown how to

Nonetheless, here’s what we know about the Apex Legends loot vaults and how to open them so far. There’s hints in loading screens as to how to get into them, but if you’ve still been having trouble, it may be because of a countdown.

apex legends season 9 timer countdown

Behind each of these doors sits all sorts of purple and gold tier armor, attachments, and equipment. Since the arrival of Apex Legends Season 3 and the World’s End map, there have been some mysterious doors on the map.

Apex legends season 9 timer countdown